Cancellations, Returns and Damage
Q - Can I change or cancel my order?
Q - What is your return policy?
Q - Can I exchange the item?
Q - How long does it take to receive a refund?
Q - An item in my order was damaged in transit! what should I do?
Q - What if my package is lost?
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In some cases, value added tax (VAT), other taxes, duties and/or duties may be levied by your destination country. These additional costs are not included and are the responsibility of the recipient. We cannot determine charges as customs and tax policies vary widely from country to country. If you have any questions, please contact your local customs office. We will not refund shipping costs to customers who reject packages on arrival due to failure to pay duties.
Customs clearance may be required; in this case, there may be delays that affect our original delivery time. Due to reasons beyond our control, the delivery service may extend the lead time of an order indefinitely.
About Tianmu
Tenmu Teacup is famous in the West and Japan for its high-quality handcrafted cups and teapots. Different designs, multiple colors, 100% food safe, high iron content, good quality and sweet glazes are scarce and hard to find today,
By using Jianzhan Tianmu, you also wish your daily life and health to be the best. Your liquid will stay warm for a long time, and each subsequent sip will be more delicious than the last. Tea lovers and art collectors will no doubt appreciate the value of the items we make.